Crush Price Objections
This course arms salespeople with the tactical knowledge they need to prevail in price negotiations—to persist when buyers resist. The specific focus is dealing with price-sensitive customers and protecting margins. Member Price: $59

Death by Survey - Effective Ways to Get Customer Feedback
Top performing companies understand the important role that customer feedback plays in developing this experience. This course will review effective methodologies to receive customer feedback including effectively executed surveys, customer advisory boards, identification of at-risk customers, and market research. Member Price: $59

Diversity & Inclusion 3 Part Series
The U.S. population is increasingly diverse, and in some industries, the composition of the workforce is 70% minority. This shift in demographics is a permanent one and brings many changes to our society and our workforce. These changes also bring unique challenges to employers and workers as values sometimes differ between various cultures. This series will discuss how to be a culturally-friendly employer and how employees can work with and market to people not like them. Member Price: $199

Financial Benchmarking with the DSC Report
MHEDA members give a first-hand account of how and why they use the Distributor Statistical Comparison (DSC) report in their businesses. They discuss the major data points in the report to explain what the data means, why that might be happening, and how to use it to implement change and strengthen your business. Member Price: FREE

Forklift Bootcamp Complete 5 Part Series
New employees will have the best chance to succeed if they first gain a basic understanding of our industry, our products, and our terminology. Forklift Bootcamp is a five part series that gives the industry background needed to start out right. The complete series will give an understanding of the dealership organization, forklift equipment, forklift components and applications. Member Price: $349

Forklift Bootcamp Part 1 - The Dealership
This first part in the five part series will give an understanding of a forklift dealership including the 5 profit center model; the sales approach and value proposition; basic leasing, renting and financing models; typical service and rental programs, and more. Member Price: $129

Forklift Bootcamp Part 2 - Forklift Equipment, Electric
This second part in the five part series will cover ITA forklift classes 1-3 and give an understanding of how forklifts work including the stability triangle, capacity, load center, data plates, and more. Member Price: $129

Forklift Bootcamp Part 3 - Forklift Equipment, Internal Combustion
This third part in the five part series will cover ITA forklift classes 4-7 and give an understanding of internal combustion fuels and power trains, transmissions, steering systems, and more. Member Price: $129

Forklift Bootcamp Part 4 - Forklift Components
This fourth part in the five part series will give an understanding of forklift components including the operators compartment, masts and carriages, forks, hydraulics, and more. Member Price: $129

Forklift Bootcamp Part 5 - Applications
This fifth part in the five part series will give an understanding of hydraulic attachments for different applications, usage in multiple racking systems, dock leveling equipment, and more. Member Price: $129

Forklift Bootcamp Spanish: Campo de Entrenamiento de Montacargas - Serie completa de 5 partes
La finalidad de este curso es que empleados que son nuevos en la industria del manejo de materiales logren obtener un mejor entendimiento de nuestra industria, nuestros productos y nuestro argot. Este curso intensivo se comprende de 5 partes las cuales brindan los antecedentes de la industria necesarios para tener un buen comienzo. Precio para miembros: $349

Forklift Bootcamp Spanish: Campo de Entrenamiento de Montacargas Parte 1 – La Concesión
Esta primera parte de la serie de cinco partes brindará una comprensión de un concesionario de montacargas que incluye el modelo de 5 centros de ganancias; el enfoque de venta y propuesta de valor; modelos básicos de leasing, renting y financiación; servicios típicos y programas de alquiler, y más. Precio para miembros: $129
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